Brooklyn Jewish Xperience | 2915 Ave. K Brooklyn, New York 11120 | 646-397-1544

World Wide 2024 Tisha bAv Film- Most Inspiring 9th of Av Film

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World Wide 2024 Tisha bAv Film- Most Inspiring 9th of Av Film

World Wide 2024 Tisha bAv Film- Most Inspiring 9th of Av Film


Featuring 3 of the most Extraordinary Life Changing Stories


In the most unexpected twist of fate, a former secular individual, once part of a missionary group, has emerged as a passionate disseminator of Torah wisdom, surpassing many of us in their dedication and impact. This transformational Tisha bAv Film serves as a poignant reminder that we should never underestimate the potential of any Jewish soul to rediscover their roots and become a force for greatness.

In our Life Changers Tisha Film you’ll discover that the most unlikely individuals can become powerful vessels for spreading Torah and inspiring others, reminding us to never underestimate the potential for transformation and growth!

Never second guess the power of another Jew to return and become great!

Next, in this outstanding 9th of Av Film you will witness the powerful true story of a Holocaust survivor, shattered by the loss of his loved ones, yet standing at the crossroads of despair and determination. Against all odds, he embarks on a transformative journey of triumph, discovery, and redemption. From the ashes of tragedy, he rises to forge a new path, igniting a flame of hope and Torah that illuminates the way for future generations. Join him on this epic journey of survival, awakening, and ultimately, redemption.

Finally, in this epic Tisha bAv 2024 Life Changers Film you’ll discover how a single, seemingly insignificant Mitzvah can be the spark that ignites a transformative journey, bridging the gap between a disconnected soul and their heritage. Like a droplet of water that ripples into a vast ocean, one small.  Mitzvah can awaken a deep longing for connection, restoring the Neshama (soul) of even the most estranged individual, and rekindling a flame of faith that burns brightly for generations to come. This Tisha bAv Film vividly demonstrates that the power of a single Mitzvah is boundless, with the potential to revive the spark of Jewish identity and restore the soul of even the most disconnected individual!

August 12 2024


Start: August 12 @ 8:00 am
End: August 13 @ 12:30 am
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